Thrifty Tails Boutique

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Thrifty Tails Boutique

Opening hours

12047 Donner Pass Rd Suite A3
Truckee, California 96161
Our Booking PolicyThank you for your donation! Please review our DO and DO NOT list for acceptable items for our thrift store. Items are being accepted at the Boutique - 12047 Donner Pass Rd Suite A3, Truckee CA. 96161

Questions? Please email




The Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe Thrift Store helps us increase awareness and raise money to fund our animal rescue programs and services. Thank you for donating! Please refer to our website for what items we can/cannot accept.

Good to know


, Highest rated
33 reviews
  • Olga Colburn
    ·Last year

    I am such a fan of this place and the staff is amazing! Booking a drop off appointment is very easy. Sara was great & offered to help me bring my stuff in. The space is clean and tidy plus supporting our local Humane Society is a win win!!

  • AGH
    ·Last year

    Perfect place to donate and shop

  • Reina Markheim
    ·Last year

    Easy to set up appointment to drop off donations, very nice thrift store, I'm planning to volunteer when I can. Glad they're here!

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