Development Advisor

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Development Advisor

Opening hours

Professional Development Center, 701 Fifth St, Bldg 451, Holloman Afb, NM, 88330
Our Booking PolicyIf you would like to discuss retraining, please attend a Retraining 101 class at BEFORE scheduling an appointment. Clients must arrive in uniform; no-shows will be reported to your First Sergeant.


Virtual Services


Virtual: Retraining Assistance (30 mins)

. Duration:30 mins·

Virtual: Other Assistance *Specify in Notes*

. Duration:30 mins·



Retraining Assistance (30 mins)

. Duration:30 mins·

Explore Career Options (1 hr)

. Duration:1 hr·

Retention Programs (30 mins)

. Duration:30 mins·

Commissioning Inquiry (30 mins)

. Duration:30 mins·

Professional Development Inquiry (30 mins)

. Duration:30 mins·

AF964 or AF63 Counseling (30 mins)

. Duration:30 mins·


35 reviews
  • Matthew Adkins·

    MSgt Mann was very helpful. She was able to answer all of my questions.

  • Derrick·

    Very helpful

  • Michelle Gonzalez·

    MSgt Mann sure knows her stuff. She answered every single question I had and then some. I came out of the meeting feeling relieved. Her positive attitude and her charismatic attitude made the meeting fly by and by the end of it, I was hoping for more time.

  • E Prosser·

    MSgt Mann was extremely helpful and has an answer for any question that I had.

  • Tristan Bunce·

    When it comes to finding information, it can often feel overwhelming or frustrating to navigate through the vast amount of resources available. But thankfully, I had the pleasure of receiving assistance from a knowledgeable and helpful individual who made the process much smoother.

  • Destin Johnson·

    MSgt Mann was very helpful, positive, and insightful!

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