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General Hypnotherapy Session

1 hr£65

General Therapy Session - 1hr - £65.00

Through working with my clients in a collaborative way, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help individuals experiencing confidence and self-esteem issues. It can also help (if necessary in conjunction with medication) in addressing aspects and symptoms of stress, low mood, anxiety (including panic attacks), and in helping people to cope better with physical issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and certain chronic pain conditions. Specific phobias such as fear of spiders, water, flying, and public speaking can also be minimised, along with painful memories and traumatic experiences.

During a typical session, we will start off by discussing your week (or during the time since your last session).

Discussions involving some solution focused questions and other techniques will help you to consider and refine your solutions that can help you to move forward in your life. Depending on your circumstances, these discussions may also involve other elements of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) as appropriate.

After this, you’ll then be invited to quietly relax, whilst your I guide you gently into a relaxed state, where you can enjoy resting in a day-dream-like trance state, where your mind can focus on and further absorb and reflect on the things that will have been discussed during the session.