Self Awareness, Emotional Endurance and Mindset Coach - Breakthrough Breathwork Specialist - Metaphysical Therapist - long story short, Dela is with all her gifts and skills in Service for Your Wellbeing. Dela is highly skilled of bringing together all 4 Dimensions of human Existence, the physical, the emotional, the mental and spiritual Aspects. There is no Separation, everything is Connected. As an acclaimed metaphysical & Breakthrough Breathwork Therapist - Dela invented a method "PURE Awareness with MindSound©" and including the Breathwork she facilitates a complete method of Emotional Release and Integration. Her work enables her clients to release deep stored childhood trauma, non-beneficial habits, destructive lifestyle patterns, and dissolve negative emotions, resulting in a life-changing emotional & mindset shift - a quantum leap in personal development. By integrating Spiritual Psychology with Conscious Connected Breathing, Dela's method for unlocking blockages and dissolving repressed pain/trauma is purely transformative. She has been working with her gifts for over 20 years, recognized throughout Europe as a gifted metaphysical therapist, where she works regularly with professional athletes and top CEOs, to government officials, celebrities, and everyone in between. Her unique integrative self-awareness method helps people to unlock their most empowered spirit and re-connect with their energy source – the divine within. Dela studied Metaphysical Science – Mediumship and Trance at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted in the UK, working amongst the world’s most accomplished metaphysics professors, where she became a teacher herself, guiding others to harness the power of their own gifts and discover their true selves. After a profound breakthrough experience through a specific Breathwork method, Dela integrated this important aspect into her work, which closes the circle and completes the process of Emotional Trauma release. Dela connects with clients in a transformative way. Inspiring and illuminating, her sessions are an energising and life changing experience, a completion process.

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